Article ID: 000083921 Content Type: Error Messages Last Reviewed: 09/11/2012

Internal Error: Sub-system: DEV, File: /quartus/ddb/dev/dev_pkg_info.cpp, Line: 706 PKG file <Quartus II installation directory>/common/devinfo/<HardCopy device family>/ddb__pkg.ddb not installed



Due to a problem in the Quartus® II software versions 10.0 and 10.0 SP1, you may see this error when compiling designs targeting Stratix® series devices if the corresponding HardCopy® series device libraries are not installed. This occurs even if you are not using a HardCopy companion device.

To work around this problem, install the corresponding HardCopy device libraries. This may be done my modifying the current Quartus II installation or by uninstalling and reinstalling the Quartus II software. Ensure the HardCopy device libraries are installed as follows:

  • For designs targeting Stratix II devices, install the libraries for HardCopy II devices.
  • For designs targeting either Stratix III or Stratix IV devices, install the libraries for both HardCopy III and HardCopy IV devices.

Alternatively, if you do not plan on using HardCopy devices and do not wish to install the libraries for these devices, delete the following directories and their contents:

  • <Quartus II installation directory>/common/devinfo/hardcopyii
  • <Quartus II installation directory>/common/devinfo/hardcopyiii

This problem is scheduled to be fixed in a future release of the Quartus II software.

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