Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683499
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Create a Merged .msf File from Multiple .msf Files

You can merge two or more .msf files in the Convert Programming Files window.

  1. Open the Convert Programming Files window.
  2. Specify the programming file type as Merged Mask Settings File (.msf).
  3. Specify the output file name.
  4. Select MSF Data in the Input files to convert window.
  5. Click Add File to add input files. You must specify two or more files for merging.
  6. Click Generateto generate the merged file.

To merge two or more .msf files from the command line, type:

quartus_cpf --merge_msf=<number of merged files> <msf_input_file_1> <msf_input_file_2> <msf_input_file_etc> <msf_output_file>

For example, to merge two .msf files, type:

quartus_cpf --merge_msf=<2> <msf_input_file_1> <msf_input_file_2> <msf_output_file>