Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 7/31/2023

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Document Table of Contents Error Detection CRC Requirements

The following describes requirements for enabling the error detection CRC option with various PR configuration method and parameter combinations. Click Assignments > Device > Device & Pin Options > Error Detection CRC > Enable Error Detection Check to enable EDCRC prior to PR bitstream generation.
Note: When using the Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel® Arria® 10 /Cyclone 10 FPGA IP with a 32-bit Input data width, and with Passive Parallel x1, x8, or x16 configuration, you must turn on the Enable Error Detection Check option, and specify a Divide error detection frequency by value of 2 or 4.
Note: When using the Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel® Arria® 10 /Cyclone 10 FPGA IP with a 32-bit Input data width and Passive Parallel x32 configuration, PR supports Enable Error Detection Check on or off. If Enable Error Detection Check is on, PR supports all values for Divide error detection frequency by.
Note: When using the Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel® Arria® 10 /Cyclone 10 FPGA IP with 1, 8, or 16-bit Input data width, and with Passive Parallel x1, x8, x16, or x32 configuration, PR supports Enable Error Detection Check turned on or off. If Enable Error Detection Check is on, PR supports all values for Divide error detection frequency by.
Table 23.   Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel® Arria® 10 /Cyclone 10 FPGA IP Error Detection CRC (EDCRC) Requirements Summary
PR IP Input Data Width Configuration Mode Enable Error Detection Check PR Support
1, 8, 16 Passive Parallel x1, x8, x16 Off Yes
1, 8, 16 Passive Parallel x1, x8, x16 On Yes, for all Divide error detection frequency by values
32 Passive Parallel x1, x8, x16 Off No support
32 Passive Parallel x1, x8, x16 On Yes, for only Divide error detection frequency by value 2 or 4
1, 8, 16, 32 Passive Parallel x32 Off Yes
1, 8, 16, 32 Passive Parallel x32 On Yes, for all Divide error detection frequency by values