Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide

ID 683242
Date 4/27/2020
Document Table of Contents

4.1. Building the CRC Example Hardware

You use the Platform Designer component editor to instantiate a Nios II custom instruction based on your custom hardware. The Platform Designer component editor enables you to create new components, including Nios II custom instructions. Implementing a Nios II custom instruction involves using the custom instruction tool flow.

Implementing a Nios II custom instruction hardware entails the following tasks:

  1. Opening the component editor
  2. Specify the custom instruction component type
  3. Displaying the custom instruction block symbol
  4. Adding the HDL files
  5. Configuring the custom instruction parameter type
  6. Setting up the custom instruction interfaces
  7. Configuring the custom instruction signal type
  8. Saving and adding the custom instruction
  9. Generating the system and compiling in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software