Device-Specific Power Delivery Network (PDN) Tool 2.0 User Guide

ID 683293
Date 8/24/2021
Document Table of Contents

1.2.2. Major Tabs of the PDN Tool 2.0

The tabs at the bottom of the PDN tool 2.0 application help you calculate your impedance profile.
Table 3.  PDN Tool 2.0 Tabs
Tab Description
Release_Notes Provides legal disclaimers, the revision history of the tool, and the user agreement.
Displays the schematic representation of the circuit that is modeled as part of the PDN tool 2.0. It also provides the following related information:
  • quick start instructions
  • recommended settings for some power rails
  • a brief description of decoupling design procedures under different power supply connection schemes
System_Decap The principal tab that allows you to decouple your system. It displays by default when you launch the application. This tab provides an interface to enter your power sharing scheme for a selected FPGA device and derive the decoupling based on the input.
Stackup Provides an interface to enter your stackup information into the PDN tool.
Library Points to various libraries (capacitor, dielectric materials, and so on) that are called by other tabs. You can change the default values listed as part of these libraries.
BGA_Via Provides an interface to calculate the BGA mounting inductance based on design-specific via parameters and the number of vias.
Plane_Cap Provides an interface to calculate the plane capacitance based on design-specific parameters.
Cap_Mount Provides an interface to input design-specific parameters for calculating the capacitor mounting inductance for two different capacitor orientations (Via on Side [VOS] and Via on End [VOE]).
X2Y_Mount Provides an interface to input design-specific parameters for calculating the capacitor mounting inductance for X2Y type capacitors.
Enlarged_Graph Provides an enlarged view of the Z-profile shown in the System_Decap tab.