AN 812: Platform Designer System Design Tutorial

ID 683855
Date 4/02/2018
Document Table of Contents

Run the Bash Script

Nios® II EDS enables you to build board support packages (device drivers, HAL) and applications based on the top_system.sopcinfo file, an output file of top_system.qsys generation.
  1. Copy top_system.sopcinfo from /top_system to /<project folder>.
  2. To launch the Nios® II Command Shell from Platform Designer, click Tools > Nios® II Command Shell (gcc4).
  3. In the Nios® II Command Shell, browse to <project folder>/software, and run
    Figure 45. Run the

The script calls commands in Nios® II EDS to build a board support package and applications. The script then configures the FPGA with the A10.sof file that you generate during Intel® Quartus® Prime software compilation, runs the software applications, and establishes a terminal connection with the board. The test software performs test sweeps, such as Walking Ones, Walking Zeros, and PRBS, on the SDRAM and the output values appear in the command terminal.

Figure 46. Terminal Connection Console

The <project folder>/software folder contains a script. You can run this script when you already have the Nios® II board support package and applications built, and don’t need to build them again. This script downloads only the .sof file and runs Nios® II applications.