External Memory Interfaces Intel® Arria® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683106
Date 12/19/2023

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Document Table of Contents Example Tcl Script for Running the EMIF Debug Toolkit

If you want, you can run the EMIF Debug Toolkit using a Tcl script. The following example Tcl script is applicable to all device families.

The following example Tcl script opens a file, runs the debug toolkit, and writes the resulting calibration reports to a file.

You should adjust the variables in the script to match your design. You can then run the script using the command quartus_sh -t example.tcl.

# Modify the following variables for your project
set project "ed_synth.qpf"
# Index of the programming cable.  Can be listed using "get_hardware_names"
set hardware_index 1
# Index of the device on the specified cable. Can be listed using "get_device_names"
set device_index 1
# SOF file containing the EMIF to debug
set sof "ed_synth.sof"
# Connection ID of the EMIF debug interface.  Can be listed using "get_connections"
set connection_id 2
# Output file
set report "toolkit.rpt"

# The following code opens a project and writes its calibration reports to a file.
project_open $project
load_package ::quartus::external_memif_toolkit
set hardware_name [lindex [get_hardware_names] $hardware_index]
set device_name [lindex [get_device_names -hardware_name $hardware_name] $device_index]
link_project_to_device -device_name $device_name -hardware_name $hardware_name -sof_file $sof
establish_connection -id $connection_id
create_connection_report -id $connection_id -report_type summary
create_connection_report -id $connection_id -report_type calib
write_connection_target_report -id $connection_id -file $report